Crestview Middle School Where We Shape Dreams into Realities

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School Health Services

school health
School Health Services
Sherri Yarbro
Tipton County Schools Coordinated School Health
Cindy Hogg, RN, BSN
Director, Health Services
Le Bonheur, Healthy Schools-Tipton County
Tipton County Board of Education
[email protected]
Sarah Marion
School Site Nurse
Tipton County Schools Nurse Supervisor
Policy on Medication at Crestview Middle School

All medications require the authorization form to be filled out. Prescriptions require doctor signature and parent signature. Over the counter medications (if given according to package directions) only require parent signature. 


Students may carry inhalers and epi-pens if the doctor and the parent mark the correct box on the authorization form indicating that the student has been trained in self-administration.


The authorization form can be found in the student handbook. I also have copies in my office. 


These are county-wide policies which are the same as they were in the elementary school.
Disclaimer: CMS does not have control over the website links that are listed below. If the link takes you to a page does that does not exist, please contact Mr. Mooney indicating the link and on what page the link is located.
Wash hands
The Flu has run begun running rampant through the United States. Please see this webpage on helpful information to keep from getting the influenza, the flu, go to
Wash hands and urge those who have flu symptoms to seek medical attention. Sanitizing areas with cleansers (bleach, Lysol, Chlorox wipes) may reduce or kill the flu germ but proper hand washing is essential after touching anything other people have touched. From a few sources, the new flu will cause the most common symptoms, but now includes diarrhea and vomiting
Measles Outbreak Alert in 2018
Transmission of Measles Information You Need to Know
The SafeSchools Online Staff Training System offers a Child Abuse: Identification & Intervention course and a Child Abuse: Mandatory Reporting course. We also offer state-specific versions of our Child Abuse: Mandatory Reporting course for Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia.
For more information on these courses, or SafeSchools Training in general, please contact us at 1-800-434-0154, [email protected], or today. Free trials available!
GET THE FACTS ABOUT ZIKA! provided to you by Terminix!stand-up-lock-down-act/ca1w

New Shot and Immunization Requirements


Stay informed about a new stomach virus that is going around.
NORO Virus Read about it here.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Immunization for 7th Grade (PDF Format)

IMPORTANT INFORMATION Immunization for New Students in Student Handbook (PDF Format)


Now on Instagram!

WorkingForAHealthierTN is now officially on Instagram! Find us here. Also, if you haven't already, please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more health-related info and encouragement to reach your goals!


State Immunization Information-In a letter with the subject "NEW STATE IMMUNIZATION RULES AND CERTIFICATES," The Tennessee Department of Health (TDOH) has issued new immunization rules and is issuing a new official certificate that is required for entry into school effective July 1, 2010. All newly required vaccines are routinely recommended for all children. Most children should have already received them.

Immunization Requirement Summary: Tennessee Department of Health Rule 1200-14-1-.29


~~ There will now be only one official TDOH certificate of immunization that must
 be filled out by medical providers for delivery to schools prior to entry of their
 child into pre-school, Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 7th grade, or as a new student. This form
 will only be available from a private healthcare provider or local health department.

~~ Children entering the 7th Grade, who are already enrolled, must show proof of two new immunizations. See below.

~~ For 7th grade students already enrolled in Tennessee schools, only proof of the two new immunizations is required on the new immunization certificate.

Summary: Tennessee Immunization Requirements (TDOH 1200-14-1-29)

Children entering 7th Grade
~~New Immunization Requirements
-pertussis booster (Tdap)

~~~~History of Chickenpox (varicella) OR 2 doses of vaccine

If you have any additional questions, please contact:
Cindy Hogg, RN, BSN
Health Services
Le Bonheur
Health Schools-Tipton County
Tipton County Board of Education
(901) 837-5600
[email protected] E-Mail